Friday, February 17, 2006


USA vs Kazakhstan

Last night K and I were given hockey tickets to see USA vs Kazakhstan (men) at Torino Esposizioni. It looked like the US was going to blow-out the Kazakhstanis (or is that Kazakhs?) when they scored 3 goals in the first period. But, despite the low "shots-on-net" stats, the Kazakhs actually made a game of it.

More info about the game here and here.

Face-off at the start of the 3rd period.

Face-off right in front of us. No pucks flying our way unfortunately. One of the guys onthe far side (left wing, #80) is Nik Antropov from the Toronto Maple Leafs. He is one of only two NHL'ers on the Kazakh team).

He shoots...misses.

We (USA) win!

Good game, good game, good game, good game...

Good game, good game, good game, good game...

Good game, good game, good game, good game...

Tonight we are going to the Women's semi-final, Canada vs Finland. More photos soon I hope!

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