Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Post-Opening Ceremonies

I had meant to say something about the opening ceremonies a few days ago, but was pretty distracted last week. A few days before the ceremonies I started to come down with a cold and was feeling pretty crappy. It appeared that it was only going to be a 2-3 day problem as I was recovering pretty quickly. About 3 hours before the event, my manager offered me tickets to the event. I turned them down. That's right I said "Thanks, but no thanks." He was pretty surprised to say the least.

I actually wanted to go, but I knew that it was not going to be a good idea while struggling with a cold. Just getting in and out of the stadium can be a huge hassle, let alone sitting in the cold for 3 hours. I was worried that I would be miserable if I got sicker, especially becuase Katherine and Laura were coming into town in the next 24 hours.

I ended up taking it easy and watching the ceremonies in a pub near the hotel. It was the right thing to do.

Just to re-cap...I turned down a ticket to opening ceremonies. Ugh.


The equipment used for Opening Ceremonies don't take themselves off of the stadium. I am pretty sure that these things were used for the pyrotechnics.

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