Thursday, February 02, 2006


Olympic broadcasting center evacuated

Headline: Part of temporary floor structure collapses at Alpine media hub

Everyone is fine...more info later.

Update: everything is fine. It has been cleared to re-occupy. Phew!
Associated Press
The Alpine broadcasting media center for the Turin Olympics was back in action Thursday, a day after part of the floor collapsed.

The problem was noticed Wednesday by people inside the building. The structure is elevated from the ground by a metal support system which organizers said had failed.

"A full investigation of the structure was carried out, the section was fully repaired and subsequent testing has been undertaken by a certified building inspector," organizers said in a statement.

The broadcasting center in the games' Alpine hub of Sestriere contains 80 TV studios. The much larger main broadcasting center is in Turin.

The Turin Games begin Feb. 10.

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