Tuesday, January 31, 2006


This blog sucks (sort of)

Good evening. Sorry for not posting too much lately. Things have become VERY busy around these parts. Right now it is just after 10pm local time and I have been "at work" since 7 am. I would love to post a bunch of photos & give you an update on all sorts of stuff, but I just can't be arsed (tonight). Also, my connection at the hotel is VERY slow tonight.

However, things are going well for the most part. This morning was an early start becuase of the Broadcast and Technical Manager's (BM's and TM's) seminar out at the Field Shop (our logistics warehouse on the outskirts of town) that started at 8:30 am. The seminar was to provide an update on the last month and a half of progress in Torino. Better stated...to provide an update on the LACK of progress. In otherwords, manage expectations. It's going to be tough. Things are not ready and getting our job done is going to be tougher then at past games. But I digress...

Following the seminar, I headed to the mountains and visited a few of the "compounds" at venues. A compound is our behind-the-scenes area where we set up our offices, stage our equipment, eat our lunch, edit and broadcast shows. It was an absolutely beautiful day up there. The recent snowstorm dumped nearly 3 feet of snow, but today was bright and sunny. (Perhaps I'll post photos tomorrow.)

I also rented my skis, boots, poles and helmet. Nice. I need to go back to the mountains tomorrow, and I think I may get a chance to use them in the afternoon. The BM's and TM's at the Alpine venues want to check out camera positions, so they invited me along :) At 7 pm, I have a short meeting at one of the mountain-area hotels followed by an dinner/beer invite from a few BM's in the area. When it's all wrapped-up I'll arrange for a motol pool ride or Olympic Transport bus back to the big city.

Despite all of this, I do miss home. It's a good job, but home is better.

Thanks for visiting.

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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