Saturday, January 07, 2006


It's Ital-o'clock. Do you know where you are?

This will be posted when I land and can connect to a network...

Wow, it is now 940 am CET and I think we are going to be on the ground within an hour. Not a bad flight so far.

The child with the blood-curdling shrieks has been blocked-out by my iPod.

The opportunity to expand the extremely limited list of movies that I've seen has gone unfulfilled. The movie was "Sky High". I decided to give it a miss. I think it was a Disney movie for 'tweens. It follows the adventures of some cookie-cutter kids during their time at Sky Team School. Its a school for superheroes (of course). Much hilarirty ensues as our group discovers their super powers and how to use them. (I am not sure if there was a "use-them-for-good-not-evil" conversation, so I cannot discuss the moral and/or ethical aspects of this film.)

I watched with one-eye simply to see Dave Foley and Kevin MacDonald (former Kids in the Hall). They looked funny but I can't confirm it.

Shortly after the crossword was complete (I worry that they give easier puzzles to people in coach), I thought it was time to sleep. Seeing as it was highly unlikely that I would be asked to operate heavy machinery, I took half an Ambien and a can of Stella Artois.

I managed to watch one episode of Seinfeld on DVD before sleeping for about 4 hrs. Nice.

I woke up long enough to see the attendant dropping-off my breakfast. I closed my eyes. I woke up just long enough to see the attendant remove my untouched breakfast. Damn.

I still feel weak like kitten. Ambien works too well.

Flying overthe Alps now. Probably Switzerland. Beautiful. Landing soon'ish.

where can I get some Ambien?
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